Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:24:05 -0700
From: Paul <>
Subject: Oil injection adpator price correction
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

> Richard Sohn wrote:
> Paul
> I was able to do a price correction on the oilpump adapter since the 
info sheet
> apeared here.
> See attachment.
> Richard.

The Aircraft Rotary Engine Newsletter.              Powered by Linux.  

Requested Metering Pump Adapter information



Metering Pump Adapter for Wankel Engine.





Adapter Assembly 1

Bolt 2

O-Ring 2



Wankel engines such as the one used in the MAZDA RX7 sports car need oil in the combustion area for lubricating the metal seals.

Most stock engines use a metering pump pumping a small amount of engine oil from the oil pan into the intake manifold and/or directly into the combustion chamber. Engine oil is designed to lubricate sleeve bearings and carry heat from the engine interior to some cooling areas. In the RX7 the heat is removed from the oil in an oil cooler. When engine oil is getting into the combustion chamber, it only is burning partially, leaving some unburned deposits behind. These deposits can build up and reduce engine performance.

One obvious method of preventing this is to disconnect the metering pump altogether and mix two-stroke oil to the gasoline like some older two-stroke engines require. With this method it has been demonstrated that two-stroke oil is an effective lubricant and there is no build up of combustion residues.

The Metering Pump Adapter, as offered by PCV Technologies takes the solution one step further in allowing to still useing the stock metering pump but supply it with two-stroke oil.

With the Adapter installed, all that is needed is a small oil tank with two-stroke oil, connected to the Metering Pump Adapter. The oil level in the tank should never be less then 6" above metering pump.

Oil consumption is approximately 1/100 of fuel used.


8029 HWY 1087, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433. Tel/Fax(850)834-4905

Price: US$ 82.00 payable in check or money order to

Richard Sohn

8029 HWY 1087

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

A few adapters for 13B gen2 are available now, next availability in 2 to 3 weeks.